Addiction Resources

How to Help Someone with Alcohol Addiction

How to Help Someone with Alcohol Addiction

Practical Advice Quick Overview of the Article In this article, you’ll find practical ideas to help you: Understand the biggest needs of someone suffering from alcoholism Distinguish between helping vs enabling Encourage a loved one to seek treatment  Before...

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Drug Withdraw Symptoms

Drug Withdraw Symptoms

Withdrawal Symptoms by Addiction Overview Withdrawal symptoms can vary by the substance to which a person is addicted. Other factors affecting withdrawal symptoms include:  The number of years a person has abused a substance The purity of the substance being used The...

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What Is Drug Addiction?

What Is Drug Addiction?

An Introduction In its simplest form, drug addiction is a dependence on a chemical substance, whether that chemical is accessed through pill taking, smoking, snorting, eating, or other form of consumption. This chemical dependence has psychological and physical...

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