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Substance Abuse Rehab

Substance Abuse Rehab

Substance Abuse Rehab

Living with a substance use disorder can be debilitating, leaving you feeling less in control of your life, and more like your substance use controls you. But you can achieve recovery, with evidence-based substance abuse treatment programs offering several effective strategies to help you break free from substance abuse, overcome cravings, and learn to flourish in your new life in recovery.

The Challenge of Overcoming Substance Abuse

Substance abuse comes in many different forms. Some people have trouble controlling their alcohol use, while others are completely dependent upon illicit drugs like heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, or methamphetamine. But there is also prescription substance abuse, psychedelic substance abuse, or polysubstance abuse – where people use multiple different drugs simultaneously.

But all these patterns of addictive behavior share a common pathway that leads to addiction. Addictive drugs cause a cascade of changes in the brain that make it more likely for people to use their drugs of choice over and over again and nearly impossible for you to stop on your own.

These brain changes can heal, resulting in the transformative changes that are indicative of true substance abuse recovery – but only after people have been able to stay abstinent for a significant period. A substance abuse treatment program helps people find the tools and support to allow this healing to take place and start living better and healthier lives in recovery.

How A Substance Abuse Rehab Works

Substance abuse rehab is a time-tested approach for helping people through the difficult first stages of sobriety and learning how to maintain their recovery for years to come. Most people start the recovery process in a medical detox center – but detox is only designed to help you with the physical aspects of early sobriety and needs to be followed by quality addiction treatment to see long-term results.

Substance abuse rehab is the next logical step – where you can receive multiple evidence-based therapies to treat the symptoms of substance use disorders, all under one roof. Clients at our substance use rehab live at one of our dedicated treatment facilities with other people working towards recovery, allowing them to focus their full attention and effort on the treatments and therapies that can help you recover.

At our recently renovated rehab facility, you can expect:

  • 24/7 access to addiction professionals
  • Medical treatment by board-certified physicians
  • A safe, drug-free place to rest and recover
  • An empathetic and compassionate approach to addiction recovery and trauma
  • Comprehensive mental health treatment for co-occurring conditions
  • Support and guidance through the full continuum of addiction care

With these treatments and supports in place, anyone can break free from their addiction.

Treatments Offered at Substance Abuse Rehab

Treating substance use disorders is about much more than mere abstinence. At TN Detox’s substance abuse rehab center, we focus on treating the whole person – helping people make progress in every area of their life that has been impacted by drug or alcohol abuse. This includes:

  • Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT): MAT is the evidence-based practice of using targeted medications designed to reduce the experience of physical withdrawal, and reduce the cravings associated with addiction. Multiple forms of MAT exist, including options to treat alcohol use disorder, opioid use disorders, and more.
  • Individual and Group Therapy: Working one-on-one with a counselor can help people dive into the underlying causes of their addiction and learn alternative methods of coping with life’s stressors and challenges. And with group therapy, people can share the tools that have worked for them with others – solidifying their own recovery, while helping others do the same.
  • Mental Health Treatment: Addiction doesn’t occur in a vacuum – and many people live with co-occurring mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or trauma disorders. Targeted mental health treatment can help you recover from both addiction and mental health disorders simultaneously and improve your chances of achieving a lasting recovery.
  • Family Therapy: Substance abuse doesn’t hurt just a single individual – it creates a ripple effect through family, friends, and entire communities. Working with a family therapist can begin the process of healing the relationships that matter the most and create a stable source of support for your recovery for years to come.
  • Support Groups: Social support for recovery is a key indicator of long-term success. TN Detox Center helps facilitate building these support networks, both within the group of clients receiving treatment and in the thriving recovery community of Nashville, Tennessee.

All these services take place under one roof at our comprehensive addiction treatment center, helping people break free from physical withdrawals, learn to resist future relapse, and build a strong foundation of recovery to last a lifetime.

Choosing TN Detox Center for Substance Abuse Rehab

Overcoming a substance use disorder is never easy. Drug or alcohol dependence places significant pressures on people to continue using, despite experiencing harmful consequences. Social pressures conspire to keep you using your drug of choice. And ultimately, recovery from addiction is a sweeping lifestyle change – one that requires dedication, commitment, and a willingness to overcome adversity in pursuit of a better life.

But you can break free from addiction – especially when you have a team of compassionate recovery advocates at your side, ready to face your challenges with you and support you in achieving your goals. TN Detox Center’s substance abuse counseling programs can help you find that invaluable support, provide the evidence-based treatment options that can ease the path to sobriety, and help you build a life worth living in recovery.

Our team of addiction professionals are standing by to take your call and help you take the first steps towards a better life – a life where you’re in control, and aren’t suffering from the harmful consequences of addiction. Call us today at 615-488-5311 or fill out our confidential online contact form to learn more about our comprehensive substance abuse rehab programs and start the life in recovery you deserve.

We know how difficult reaching out for help can be. But the rewards of recovery are worth the effort – and TN Detox Center can help show you the way.

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